anita rivera : techno text



















Stoke Newington Arts & Media College 2005

‘Techno Text’ was an exciting collaboration with architect Charles Dokk-Olsen of Shepheard Epstein Hunter and students from Stoke Newington Arts & Media College to produce a lighting feature for the floor of a newly refurbished classroom in the Design & Technology Department.

Charles designed a structure which would hold several glass panels and I was commissioned to work with the students to produce the artwork for the panels which would be illuminated from below.

The panels were to be set into an old inspection pit and provided the opportunity to act as a ‘time capsule’ which would be a lasting legacy of the history of design & technology.
In a series of workshops in my studio the students encapsulated a variety of tools and artefacts from the department in clear bio resin backed by sheets of glass. I wanted make reference to the philosophy, materials and processes of design & technology and further workshops at the school were facilitated to allow students to contribute to text. This was written using ‘Illustrator’ which meant that I could set the work precisely as there had to be a minimum gap between the text to ensure that the surface of the glass would remain non slip. The completed text was then laser etched onto the toughened glass which would cover the pit.

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